Hi, I'm trying to add an if statement to a conditional formula that already exists. The current formula will highlight a cell based on when it is due (within 30, 60, or 90 days). I want that formula to continue; however, I want to add that if the adjoining cell (K?) has a date in the "Date Sold" column, then remove any conditional formatting completely. I hope that made sense...
Current formula for attached worksheet:
Add a new custom formatting rule (no background colour) with following formula: =ISNUMBER($K3)
Put this new rule as the second rule. For this to work you also need to put in some text in H11 for each vehicle tab, as Excel treats blank cells as number when you have a formula that takes the value from a blank cell, as you have in cells K3 to K7.
In attached file you will see an example of what I am trying to explain, cell Q15 wants the value in Q17 (the brown cells). As Q17 is empty, Excel puts in a number. not visible though. I don't know why, but it is what it is.
Perfect, Anders, thank you so much!