I am a first-time Excel dashboard builder and am following along with your Space Dashboard Tutorial (the exact name is in the title of this post). I have Office 365 Excel Version 2304 (April 2023). When I try to write the DAX Measures for the last two graphics (People in Space & Human Days in Space) neither one works.
People in Space is returning all zeros in the pivot table for Female & Male, but the formula validates OK. Tried this 3 times with no luck. Verified the correct pivot table fields are being used and the inactive destination relationship between Missions & DimDestination is in place. Below is the DAX measure as typed in Excel:
=if(ISBLANK(CALCULATE([Count of Crew Name],USERELATIONSHIP(DimDestination[Destination],Missions[Destination]))),0,CALCULATE([Count of Crew Name],USERELATIONSHIP(DimDestination[Destination],Missions[Destination])))
Human Days in Space
Errors out when I get to the ",0," part of the measure and will not let me continue (shows wavy lines and gives a syntax error message).
The other measures in the tutorial are working fine for me. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Aaron,
I tested your measure in my file and it didn't return an error. I wonder if you're expecting to see values in the early years because there are zeros for this measure until 1998.