Hi, looking for some advice to resolve a missing table error which is presented when refreshing data into our pbi model - see attachment screen shot of the error
Specifically the error appears to be within "dt_StudentResults, "Cannot find table 'PreviousResults'.
Is it possible to establish where in the refresh process this table is referred to?
I have traced each step within the transformation of dt_StudentResults, but there is no reference to a table called "PreviousResults"
The table name doesn't follow our naming conventions so perhaps it's an old file that's been removed but we need to refresh the dataset.
Thanks in advance for any assistance.
Just to share with any readers, for clarity i've now selected every one of the applied steps to each of the data tables in the model.
On selection, the data preview is successfully shown.
Issue now resolved.
Ok so the automated overnight refresh also failed, but this time referring to a completely different table. This time the source data file had been provided with two new columns which appears to have caused the issue.
The data refresh which previously failed due to table PreviousResults not found, is no longer being reported.