I'd like to use the attached data to make a pie chart to show which percentage of sales is online versus at the store. How can I do this?
You need to total the online sales and store sales so there are just two values and two labels e.g.:
Total Online Sales 13,865.40
Total Store Sales 25,089.94
Then reference those cells and insert a pie chart.
In other words, the pie chart won't summarise the data for you. The data you give it becomes the chart, so if you only want two segments in the pie, then you need to give it two values.
Hope that makes sense.
Hi Mynda,
I tried but I couldn't quite figure out what you were referencing. I also thought maybe I could show it as a column chart but I'd like to have the online sales be on the top rather than at the bottom and I can't quite figure that out. Can you help? Also, I can't get the excessive white space over to the right of the chart removed.
I appreciate your assistance.
The data for the pie chart must be in rows (as I laid out above). Right-click the chart > Select Data > Switch row/column.
If you want the online sales on top of the store sales in the column chart then you should use a stacked column chart and change the order of the columns in the PivotTable to get the desired order. Note: you can't also include the percentage in a stacked column chart.
You might also like to try a bar chart so the labels are more easily read. See attached.
Perfect, thanks so much! I think what I might do is use the stacked column chart and then add a text box above that references the percentage of online sales that I'll add on the pivot chart since you aren't able to include the percentage in a stacked column chart. I saw you use this technique in one of your dashboard courses for pie charts.
Again, thanks so much for your very quick help!