Hi All,
i have been trying to build an excel simulator for stradind stock market; but im stuck in applying formula
to use; i wanted to have a formular that can if i click any cell be it % simulated win, or if i risk per trade is changed everything
changes in all the cells;
i have just key in all my figures manually for ellustration.
iam seeking for any helping hand in this and i will appreciate.
attached in is my file...
Hi Chrisphine,
Welcome to our forum!
Excel isn't designed to change based on selection of a cell. If you want formulas to update based on a different criteria then you can use a few different tools:
1. Data Validation Lists
2. Form Controls
3. Slicers
You can learn more about interactive Excel controls here.
These tools allow users to select from a list of items/values. You can link your formulas to the selections the user makes so they update accordingly.
I hope that points you in the right direction.