October 28, 2021
I attempted to following the video instructions on Secrets to Building Excel Dashboards based on Non-financial Data - YouTube, using one table; however, encounter an issue with a table properly calculating. Files are attach for review and need assistance to determine what I did incorrectly for table. Can this be done with one table?
October 28, 2021
Mynda, hi,
The PivotTables calculates correctly when it is active; however, the slicer do not work the same as in the video (). In the video you have Dim Destination and Mission tables inactive and created a measure (=CALCULATE([Count of Crew Name], USERELATIONSHIP(DimDestination[Destination],Missions[Destination])). Can this be done using only one table?
July 16, 2010
Hi Tyrone,
Ok, I see what the issue is now. I wasn't following earlier, despite your detailed documentation!
You need a measure that activates the relationship for the PivotTable starting in cell K3 of the Analysis sheet. You can actually just use the Select Group Priority measure in this PivotTable too.
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