Hello, I am creating my own ULTIMATE personal household budget using Mynda's instructions to the letter with regards to a post on YouTube she posted 5 months ago called, 'Ultimate Personal Budget & Interactive Dashboard in Excel'. It is a game changer so thank you Mynda. All is going well but I have 2 currencies to contend with, both income and expenses. How do I create this budget posted by Mynda with live currency conversion included?
You can add a column in your source data table to convert the transactions into whatever currency you want to report in.
If you have Microsoft 365, you can use the Currency or Stock data type to get up to date FX rates.
Hello Mynda,
Thank you for your reply. This is really helpful. Can I also add an a column for my income and expenses in the budget table (live also) without changing the workings of your Ultimate Personal Budget?
Thank you
The budget table already has a ROW for your salary and expenses. You simply change the row labels to suit your needs.