You can customize the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) in Excel so that you add icons to run your macros, or commonly used tasks and tools. Just follow the 8 steps below, it shouldn't take you more than 5 minutes, if that.
You can also modify the Ribbon to show custom tabs, groups and icons for your own macros and commands.
Step 1
Right click your mouse anywhere on the QAT or the Ribbon, and from the menu that appears, click on Customize Quick Access Toolbar ...
Step 2
The window that appears allows you to choose commands from the list on the left hand side of the main pane, and add them to the QAT by clicking on the Add>> button.
Step 3
You can click on the drop-down list under Choose commands from to select where you want to add commands from. It is here that you can also choose to add macros.
As this is what I want to do, I am going to click on Macros.
And I now see a list of the macros available to me.
Step 4
Any commands or macros you add to the QAT can be made available either to all Excel documents (which is the default), or just for the workbook you currently have open.
If you are adding standard Excel commands then leave this option on For all documents (default). Likewise if you are adding macros that are in your Personal.xlsb, you can stay with this option.
If you want to run a macro that is only in the workbook you currently have open, then change it so that it reads For 'Workbook Name' so in my case it's For Book1. By doing this the icon you create will only appear when you open this particular workbook.
Also note that if you choose For all documents (default), and then select a macro that is in a workbook other than Personal.xslb, when you close that workbook, the icon will stay on the QAT. When you click that icon, the workbook will be opened before the macro is run.
Step 5
So I've chosen to add macros to my QAT. I need to click on the macro and then click the Add>> button, and PERSONAL.XLSB!PersonalMacro is added to the list on the right.
Step 6
I now want to change the default icon for this macro, and give it some other useful information so with the newly added macro selected, click on the Modify button.
Step 7
You'll see a large list of icons, choose whatever one you want for your macro. I'm going with a green square.
In the Display name box, type in a useful description for the macro, this will be the tool tip that appears when you hover your mouse pointer over the icon.
Click OK to close, and you'll notice that the macro's icon and description have changed.
Step 8
Click OK to close the window you are in and you'll see that you now have a new icon on your QAT. Hover your mouse over it to see the tool-tip.
ben si ahmed
very nice and educative page
for that steps, is that a way to make theses steps automatic? since some friends could not follows all these steps?
Catalin Bombea
Afraid it’s not possible, what one needs to add to QAT and macro names are totally different from one user to another. Might be possible, but will require too much coding, not really worthy.
Brendon Marks
I’m on Win 10, Excel 2010. When I follow these instructions and take all the defaults, my macro works fine from the QAT, but if I change the icon or the display name, the macro stops working from the QAT, It still works when I run the macro manually. The macro has only two commands: ActiveWorkbook.Save and Application.Quit
Philip Treacy
Hi Brendon,
Sorry I can’t reproduce this problem in my Excel 2013/Win10. Can you reproduce the problem on another PC?
Glenn Hottel
Do VBA commands exist to do steps 1 through 8 above so I can have a start up macro add buttons to the QAT and, conversely, remove buttons from the QAT when the file closes?
Philip Treacy
Hi Glenn,
What you’re asking is can you have buttons on the QAT, but remove them when you don’t want them? If your concern is keeping everything looking neat and tidy then maybe you should look to put your icons onto the Ribbon.
The icons will still be on the Ribbon, but they won’t take up as much noticeable screen space compared to having them on the QAT.
Onias Chikwata
This is a great technique. I will definitely apply it when doing my routine reports in excel especially PIVOT table reports. I can’t wait to try and it will save me a lot of time. Thanks Mynda for sharing this.
Philip Treacy
You’re welcome. Glad you find my article useful 🙂
Excelent your explanation.
Thanks a lot
Philip Treacy
You’re welcome
Very useful tips. what would also be useful would be a way to change or add icons as there used to be in earlier Excel versions. Any ideas? I like my toolbar icons to be relevant to the task.
PS: I always thought or assumed Vanuatu was dead flat and at risk from going under water. Volcano? Jungle? I must be confused with somewhere else.
Philip Treacy
Hi Duncan,
You can do this 2 ways. Have a look at Ron de Bruin’s write up which describes how to write your own code, this a rather complicated process. Or you can use an add-in like Custom Tab Creator [aff link].
Vanuatu is pretty hilly/mountainous. There are a number of other islands/nations in the South Pacific and Indian Oceans threatened by rising sea levels. Kiribati may be the one you were thinking of, though the Maldives and Seychelles are also very low.
Aderogba Adewusi
Great work Phil. I’ve been following your tips all the way. They had been very useful to me. Appreciate.
Philip Treacy
Thanks 🙂 Glad I can be of help.