Thank you, Riny. Perfect! And by adding an Index column at the beginning and then removing it at the end, I can keep the original order. Many...
It seemed to be working for column charts but not for bar charts Doh! I was looking at the wrong axis. Yes - it does work. I hadn't noticed that...
Brilliant logic! Thank you, again, Riny. Best wishes
Thank you for looking again, Riny Yes, (I think) I've tried that also, but I don't want to show all the services in the table. I need to wait until...
Thank you, Riny. Yes - that works, but it's the services that I am wanting to show in the table rather than the categories!
Gotcha. Thank you again. Really great. Cheers R
Thank you, again, Riny. I started off by unpivoting but I got stuck with the result I got. There is some M language in there that I am not famil...
Thank you, Mynda. I'll give that a go. Sounds like a plan! Yes - Shape Maps are a pain - unless you live in the US where there are loads. Here in G...
Thank you, Mynda. That's what I was (unfortunately) expecting!! When I create a Shape Map visual, the gradient colours for the values get automatic...