Thanks Sunny, Actually the issue was that I wasn't closing the array with ctrl+shift+enter. Did that and it worked. Thanks again!
Hi Sunny, Actually I have a question. I am trying to get the formula to work on a data sheet feeding from a query. Will the formula change i...
Thanks Sunny! This is perfect.
Catalin Bombea said You have to open the file in another excel instance. Dim xlApp as Excel.Application set xlApp =New Excel.Application To open t...
figured it out actually wsCopy.Range("F2:L2" & lCopyLastRow).Copy wsDest.Range("A" & lDestLastRow).PasteSpecial xlValues
Thanks Anders, This worked just fine.
Hi Phillip, Thanks for the reply. Youre right, I had a typo, the table should be as below: EI DOCS UA Fee Yes Yes 25 ...
SunnyKow said Hi Robert Just change your formula in D13 to : =IF(I8="SPECIAL", "SPECIAL", MAX(D4*I8,M8)) Thanks Sunny, you've been a gre...
Hi Sunny, Yes! this works! The only thing missing from the total calculation now is that if the rate is Special (not 1or 2), it displays t...