New Member
December 9, 2020
Macro checks the database for "Yes" if blank continues and processes the statement which is saved and emailed. However upon reaching the last row continues to loop . See Next X at bottom. What am i missing to stop it from looping.? My first attempt at VBA. Assistance appreciated.
For y = 2 To 50
If Worksheets("Database").Cells(y, 9).Value = company Then
clientEmail = Worksheets("Database").Cells(y, 26)
Exit For
End If
Next y
'Set the corresponding values on the Statement
Worksheets("Statement").Cells(6, 10).Value = account
Worksheets("Statement").Cells(7, 8).Value = company
'Loop through the Statement sheet and as long as the payment status doesn't _
'change, write it to the table on the statement
StartTableRowa = 15
Do While Worksheets("Database").Cells(x, 6).Value = account And Worksheets("Database").Cells(x, 16) = "BILLED"
conf = Worksheets("Database").Cells(x, 1).Value
puDate = Worksheets("Database").Cells(x, 3).Value
invoiceNo = Worksheets("Database").Cells(x, 23).Value
PmtStatus = Worksheets("Database").Cells(x, 16).Value
passenger = Worksheets("Database").Cells(x, 8).Value
TripTotal = Worksheets("Database").Cells(x, 18).Value
Worksheets("Statement").Cells(StartTableRowa, 3) = puDate
Worksheets("Statement").Cells(StartTableRowa, 4) = invoiceNo
Worksheets("Statement").Cells(StartTableRowa, 5) = PmtStatus
Worksheets("Statement").Cells(StartTableRowa, 6) = conf
Worksheets("Statement").Cells(StartTableRowa, 7) = passenger
Worksheets("Statement").Cells(StartTableRowa, 9) = TripTotal
Worksheets("Database").Cells(x, 27).Value = "Yes"
x = x + 1
StartTableRowa = StartTableRowa + 1
'Need to subtract one from x to loop through the row again
x = x - 1
statementFile = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "/" & ActiveSheet.Name & "_" & _
company & ".pdf"
'Export activesheet as PDF
With ActiveSheet
.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, Filename:=statementFile, _
Quality:=xlQualityStandard, IncludeDocProperties:=True, _
IgnorePrintAreas:=False, OpenAfterPublish:=False
End With
'Set Outlook information
Set mailapp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set myMail = mailapp.CreateItem(0)
With myMail
.To = clientEmail
.CC = ""
.BCC = ""
.Subject = " Statement " & account
.HTMLBody = "Please see the attached statement. Thank you for your business."
.attachments.Add statementFile
End With
'Clear data on invoice
Worksheets("Statement").Cells(7, 8).Value = " "
Worksheets("Statement").Cells(5, 10).Value = " "
Worksheets("Statement").Cells(6, 10).Value = " "
'Clear data in table on invoice
For t = 15 To 20
Worksheets("Statement").Cells(t, 3).Value = ""
Worksheets("Statement").Cells(t, 4).Value = ""
Worksheets("Statement").Cells(t, 5).Value = ""
Worksheets("Statement").Cells(t, 6).Value = ""
Worksheets("Statement").Cells(t, 7).Value = ""
Worksheets("Statement").Cells(t, 8).Value = ""
Worksheets("Statement").Cells(t, 9).Value = ""
Next t
End If
Next x
MsgBox ("All emails have been generated.")
End Sub
Trusted Members
December 20, 2019
As Miguel has said we need a workbook with the code so that we dont waste time recreating data.
that said, having a quick look though your code it doesnt even look complete - i cant see where you have started the X loop - i can see a start and end Y, and a start and end t, but not X
New Member
December 9, 2020
Thanks guys, I never thought of posting the whole code as it is rather long. I shall bear that in mind for the future.
Painstakingly I retyped the whole code over again and it is working. Whether there was a space or not in the first time I did it is unknown.
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