December 7, 2021
Hello -
I've tried a variety of ways to develop dynamic data validation, but can't seem to get it to work. I tried INDIRECT and INDEX/MATCH. I'm also struggling to validate that a pair of values is unique in a range.
The attached XLS has three sheets:
- User creates a list of ARTS, and indicates whether or not each is active
- The user creates a list of teams within each ART, and indicates whether or not each is active
- I use VBA in the Worksheet_Change event to check that the combination of ART + Team is unique. This is not working. It warns that a unique combination is not unique.
- Droplists
- These two pivot tables are used for data validation
- They show unique, sorted, and active ARTs and Teams, respectively
- Data Match
- First, the user selects an ART (via data validation list)
- Next, the user selects a Team (also via data validation list)
- I need the second list (Team) to depend on the choice in the first list (ART) base on the combinations on the first sheet. This is not working.
Many thanks
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November 8, 2013
Hi Shawn,
Your formula is NOT checking the combination of ART and TEAM columns.
WorksheetFunction.CountIf(EvalRange, Target.Value) just checks the Target.Value , which is Yankees, not ART-1 & Yankees, and that value exists in the EvalRange.
If you want to use a formula, add a helper column ART&Team with the formula: =[@ART]&[@TEAM]
You will be able to compare the current entry against this combined column.
Dim Comb As String
Comb = Me.Cells(Target.Row, Me.ListObjects("TABLE_TEAMS").ListColumns("ART").Range.Column).Value & _
Me.Cells(Target.Row, Me.ListObjects("TABLE_TEAMS").ListColumns("TEAM").Range.Column).Value
If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Me.ListObjects("TABLE_TEAMS").ListColumns("ART&TEAM").Range, Comb) > 1 Then
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