Hi every one
I want to have line diagram as what you can see in sheet 434150 for column O .
but first i have to calculate or make column M and N and O.I used formula for them
and after that i have to find velocity or speed of line for each diagram of every sheets(because i have many sheets)
so please help me with macro code
thank you so much
Hello m m
Is this the kind of thing you where after? You need to run the 'AllSheets' Macro.
Still a couple of bits needed to tidy up, for example you can adjust the location of the chart by updating this line
Set ch = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Add(Left:=650, Width:=400, Top:=250, Height:=250)
and the titlle of the chart needs updating here with a formula so that it is dynamic
Range("t2") = "x" & ws.Name
Thank you so much
well done