Hello everyone, my name is Maurizio and my problem is this:
In the Cell (A2: C2) I enter the Link -
The username - and the password of my customers.
Now the problem is this: When I press a key inserted in the excel sheet; The procedure opens to me the page I wish
However, there is no way to make the username in an automatic way, let alone the password that at this moment I am forced to put it by hand.
How can I solve it?
This is the link to download the test project: https://app.box.com/s/rp3kie1dfkodu0qlyy0x4zzcqwjt1vnm
Thanks to everyone who can help me with this.
Dim e
For Each e In IE.Document.getElementsByClassName("uikit-text-field ng-scope")
If InStr(e.innerText, "Email") > 0 Then
e.getElementsByTagName("input")(0).Value = Sheet1.Range("B2").Value
ElseIf InStr(e.innerText, "Password") > 0 Then
e.getElementsByTagName("input")(0).Value = Sheet1.Range("C2").Value
End If
Next e
For Each e In IE.Document.getElementsByTagName("button")
Debug.Print e.innerText
If e.innerText = "Log in " Then e.Click: Exit For
Next e
Hi YasserKhalil First of all thanks for your interest.
I have tried your listing but what I see is not working.
Perhaps for two reasons
1) because the link to open the Internet page is missing
2) because although connecting it to the previous listing with a (call) does not work anyway
And all this seems strange to me!
Anyway, thank you for your interest
Greetings and Happy Weekends from A.Maurizio
That was part of your code that I modified and that is related to the login code
Just modify the part that is related to the username / password / and login button .. I have tested and worked for me
Hi YasserKhalil Thank you for your work
However I must tell you that by making a careful reflection of what you reported with respect to my initial project.
I managed to solve all very well, now it works great.
Thanks for your help Greetings from A: Maurizio
You're welcome. Glad I can offer little help