Hi Community,
Thanks in advance for any help or advise. I have built a macro to add a column on a sheet but I now want to copy that sheet and have the formula reference the new sheet not the old sheet. Here is the formula:
Sub Button4_Click()
ActiveCell.EntireColumn.Insert shift:=x1Down
ActiveCell.Formula = "=IF(INDEX(INPUTS!$H$4:$J$79,MATCH('Example Week'!F4,INPUTS!$H$4:$H$79,0),3)="""","""",INDEX(INPUTS!$H$4:$J$79,MATCH('Example Week'!F4,INPUTS!$H$4:$H$79,0),3))"
End Sub
When I copy the sheet the above formula is on the macro still has cell F2 reference 'Example Week' instead of 'Example Week (2)'.
I tried replacing 'Example Week'!F4 with: CONCATENATE("'",MID(CELL("filename",A1),FIND("]",CELL("filename",A1))+1,255),"!'","F4") but that is what gave me the error.
Any ideas / advice would be much appreciated. Thanks
Hi Sean,
Please supply the workbook with the code/data.
Thanks Phil. Please see attached.
Hi Sean,
Just remove the reference to the sheet?
=IF(INDEX(INPUTS!$H$4:$J$79,MATCH(F4,INPUTS!$H$4:$H$79,0),3)="""","""", INDEX(INPUTS!$H$4:$J$79,MATCH(F4,INPUTS!$H$4:$H$79,0),3))"
Thanks Phil ♂️