HI, I am wondering if anyone has run across a similar problem.
I write / customize VBA projects which work without a hitch on my system and the system of the person using the files together with colleagues.
The last file I updated was dated October 2023, 4 weeks ago.
The person required a modification and for that I added to modules with the corresponding code and no extra Tools (DLL) references etc to the file saving it as a new version of the older file filenameV1.6.xlsb saved as filenamleV1.7.xlsb
All tested and works here. all perfect.
The person received the file and when he opens the file the macro's no longer work but he doesn't get a message that macro's have been disabled.
Het tells me that nothing has changed on their environment, Office 365 (the same as the last past 12 months)
Checking the Trust settings and the macro settings al is the same and no self signed certificate which I did not use earlier ether.
Tried a lot of options (by telephone) to no avail, so I will be visiting hi next week but place this question because I am curious of what I could be missing. Microsoft, I know decided to disable all macro's by default but all my files he uses still work, except this 'new' version
Any ideas?
Posted this too On Excelforum.com: https://www.excelforum.com/excel-programming-vba-macros/1414634-excel-2021-a-perfectly-working-macroembedded-xlsb-file-no-longer-works-after-minor-modific.html#post5887735
Hi Hans,
Not a long time ago, there was a security measure implemented related to macros downloaded from internet.
See this feb 2023 article here.
If you receive such a file, you have to right click on it, select Properties.
In this section, you will see an additional Security checkbox:
Make sure that checkbox is checked to unblock macros.
However, for some companies, this might not be enough if there are specific policies in place.
To overcome this problem, you can try to digitally sign your macros from vba Tools menu, they will have to add your signing certificate to trusted publishers in order to use the file.
Hi, thanks for the lik, I was aware of that one but that didn't solve it.
I finally managed to go on location and noticed that all the other macro's were working except the new ones and no error messages, and that is why I could not detect it.
My Error trapping was too well designed that it skipped but and therefore the procedure was not executed and after completion I cleared an output cell 'to keep it clean', well, that happend but no actions.
To keep it short, I was under the assumption when writing a formula in VBA as I often do was that if I used FormulaLocal instead of FormulaR1C1 y could refer the the acural address and not just row number an column nuber, well, this goies haywire when the system's locale are not used correctly and thus the formula gave an error which was trapped by the VBA procedure and all was ingnord.
Took some time but ... learnt something new again. Trink again before changing something and test, but I did not have a system with different locale settings to do so.
Problem solved (this weekend) just forgot to mention it it yesterday.