I hope we are always given health ...
Hy admin,,,
may I ask for help, I can't adjust the text thickness ,,,
I have searched it but I haven't found a way to bold the text as I want ,,,
there are also references that use the formula: =bold(....) but it doesn't work hihi,,,
I haven't got the code yet ,,,
What is the critieria? How do we know what words you want to be bold?
Hi Purfleet,
Please look in the file that I attached ...
I want to bold the words in cell B4 ... an example of the desired thickening result is in cell B11 ...
if possible the result is like an example ...
Let me translate the sentence that is in the file attached above ,,, : " today, Friday the ninth of January 2021
I went to Pak Jo's house for a work meeting and tomorrow Saturday, January 16, 2021
I have to go with my family for work holidays."
Some words in this sentence cannot be bolded because the sentence comes from the formula ,,, can be seen in cell B4
as well as ask to correct the following code ...
Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Range("ea26") = "" Then
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Sheets("form_modal").Range("J14:J21").Copy ' kode
Sheets("s.barang").Range("g43").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
ActiveSheet.Range("G43:S45").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=Range("ea26")
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End If
End Sub
the target is sheets ("s.barang") range ae26,
if the range = "" , then nothing happens but if we type numbers 1, 2 and so on
it will automatically copy part of the range from sheets "form_modal" and paste them to sheets ("s. barang") and
immediately activate the filter with criteria from the range" ae26 "
another example of bold is also okay ,,,
here I have 2 problems ,,, 1. how to bold text and 2 ask to correct copy and filter code ,,,
the first problem may use another example it's okay ... but the second ask for correction ...
thank you for your attention
So you want the whole setence bold? You cant do this in a formula, you would need to either manually bold the cells or create a UDF to do it.