I committed the cardinal sin. I renamed a query that was already loaded to the data model. Now I get strange behaviour. Is there a way to fix this? I've tried unticking Load to Data Model then closing Excel then reloading.
What is the strange behaviour? When I create a pivot table from the data model all the values are there (it totals the correct amount) but most of one of the dimension items aren't there. I have a table "Expense budget", which is the one I renamed. It has data for date, GL account, project and amount. I have dimension tables for Dates, GL accounts, and Projects. Of the 14 projects, in my slicer I end up with 1 project and "blank". Dates and accounts seem OK.
The same thing is happening for my "Revenue budget" table but interestingly it was created later and not renamed (the naming of it influenced me to change the Expense budget table, it had previously been called "Budget").
I know I'm an idiot but is this fixable?
I'm not sure I follow the strange behaviour, but it sounds like maybe you are using fields in your row/column labels that are from one of the fact tables, rather than the dimension table. When you use fact table fields you end up with 'blank' items where you don't have a complete list of all the items in the field you've put in the PivotTable. Check that the row/column label fields are coming from the dimension table.
As for the renamed query...maybe it is corrupt. Difficult to say without seeing the model. Did you try renaming it back to what it was?
Thanks Mynda. All the row/columns are dimension table fields. I added an attachment below with some screenshots. I'll try renaming back to the old name and see if that helps.
Ignore me! I resolved it. I had linked the wrong field in the relationship in the Project table. Ugh so simple but such a pain. And having renamed the query threw a red herring out that I went chasing.