Excelisfun created this video a little while back...
I attempted to set this up. I completed the steps and everything looked pretty good. Then I put next month's file into the folder and hit refresh.
My query should now be pulling in both files but instead it just pulls in one. No matter how many more files I add to the folder, it continues to just pull one file (and not always the original file).
What am I doing wrong?
It's also worth pointing out that I tried to go a different route and hit the 2 down arrows when importing the data and got this error: "We couldn't find an Excel table named Table2."
Hi Jason,
You're saying that everything looks good, but it might not look that good for someone else. Without seeing a sample file with your query it's impossible to tell what's wrong, I can only guess.
Can we see your query?
I meant that everything looked good once the dynamic folder parameter was set up (it did work and is reading into the folder).
But then upon dropping another file into the folder path, the refresh/updated table only pulled in 1 of the files. I added a few more files to the folder and it still only pulled 1 file and loaded it to the table.
I'm trying to figure out how I can send you the file. But I did exactly what Mike Garvin does in that video above. He used txt files and I used excel files.
Under message text editor, there is a button-Attachments. Browse for a file using Add Files button, then start Upload (the orange button next to Add Files)
And of course, Submit Reply.