Dear All,
I am getting data from PQ and loading into Data Model and then creating Pivot table from the Data Model. My main aim is to get the data structured in a way that I can use Time Intelligence Functions in Power Pivot. Currently, I am being told that my data is not structured in proper way.
I would really appreciate, if anyone can help me explaining in what way should I have the data structured?
I have attached a sample, which shows the first part where my source data layout of the data and the second part is what I think is the way it should have been structured.
Please help me to Unpivot the data to get the right structure of the data, so I can use the Time Intelligence Function.
Also, please let me know, if that's the right way to structure the data? My data has more than 50,000 data rows already, unpivoting means adding so many rows more, will it be feasible?
Looking forward to your expert advice.
Please see the attached.
Hi Hanan,
I wouldn't worry about having too many rows. Power Pivot can handle 100s of millions of rows of data if required.
See example file attached with your data unpivoted.
To be able to use time intelligence functions in Power Pivot, you will have to add a column to your dataset that contains a proper date e.g. 1/01/2024 for Month 1 financial year 2023/24 and so on.
You will also have to add a Date/Calendar table to your Power Pivot file that contains a date for each day in every calendar year in your model.
If you'd like to learn these skills, please consider my Power Query course and Power Pivot course.