My file takes a horrendous report from our accounting system and converts it to a table taking away all useless info.
I have added a conditional column to categorise the accounts, based upon their intial number.
However I do have exception to the rule, one specific account (51626) would be categorised as Payroll in the above step when in fact it is an expense.
When I enter this at the end of the add conditional column step , nothing happens, it is still classed as a payroll account.
So I then tried my plan b to merge the 2 columns (category and acct) to give me the combined text and then asked for a replace text to replace the word Payroll with Expenses on that one combination, I then split the column back again.
again it has not worked.
Could you please advise where I am going wrong?
thanks ever so much
Can you supply a dummy file that is representative of your issue so that we can work with your data types.
here you go, apologies I thought I had attached.
Move the 'else if' where you check for 51626 above the one where you have 'else if..... begins with 5'. Then it will work.
This is wonderful, thanks so much