I am trying to extract values in a coulum which has values start with a number. This column has values starting with a number and starting with a alphabatic letter both without any pattern. Therefore, I can't use modulo.
I have been using a query to extract the vlaues strating with specific number and it works (for example ( if Text.StartsWith([Our Ref_1],"5") then [Our Ref_1] else null)))
But now my range is 0-9, it could be any number I want to extract whole value starting with number and I am struggling with the range.
For example, as in the picture I want to keep/extract whole value starting with '10100, computer equipment - brought forward'
if Text.StartsWith([Our Ref_1],{0..9}) then [Our Ref_1] else null)))
try this
Hi Alan,
Thank you.
I have tried it but for some reason it is giving an error.
How about loading a sample workbook showing what you have and then mock up what you expect the results to look like. We can then analyze and provide a suitable response. Without seeing your data, it is difficult to test a suggested solution.