March 8, 2021
Hello Mynda,
What is the best approach to handle NaN Errors in Power Query? I have a table which is using a couple of columns but I am concerned about 2 Columns for this calculation and that is A and B and the calculation is to be in %. The Formula my company is using is like this
=A2/(A2+B2) This calculation will go into the 3rd column.
And now there are some records where values are zero.
So two issues over here. When I Close and Load to the Table it will show me 4 errors and if I click on 4 Errors and it takes me back to PQ and over there it shows me those records where all values are zero in these 2 columns and 3rd column will show an error, NaN.
I used a Custom Column and used this Formula =A2/(A2+B2) (Replacing it with actual column names).
Is there a better way to do this?
How do I change Values for NaN Errors?
I can't replace Values of NaN with anything else. I wanted to put value like Undetermined or Undefined (That is what it is when you divide with 0)
Please advise
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