I'm new to Excel Power Query, I've searched the internet for an answer, however need specific help for the following:
I have eight tab delimited text files, with differing content (and different fields) and wish to merge them into multiple worksheets in one Excel file.
I also need to remove the top nine rows from each worksheet.
If possible...
I need to repeat this process with other sets of eight text files with the same filenames, ending up with one Excel Workbook per eight text files.
Can anyone help?
Thanks, P.
Hi Matt,
We need to see the source data to write any kind of query, please supply them, even just some samples.
Where do you get the files?
Are they all located in same folder?
Having different fields isn't ideal. How to you want the merged table to look? Please provide an example of your desired result.
Your topic title indicates that you want to import files into different sheets. But you state that you want to merge the files. You can't have both. They are either merged into a single table in Excel or they are imported separately to separately sheets?
Hi Matt,
Phil is right. Let's assume you want to bring the 8 tab delimited files into 8 separate sheets in a single workbook then you need to create each query separately: Get Data > From Text/CSV.
Once you've created one workbook, you can copy it and edit the queries to point at the next set of 8 tab delimited files.