July 17, 2018
I have been struggling with this for a while, every few days I'll get a file sent across in html format, I save in a dedicated folder but for the life of me I cant get the info out and combine all files based on the date.
All the info I need is in table 1, tried transposing merging and untransposing to get meaningful headers, extracting the date and unpivoting to get each row to show the date as well and once all the to merge all the files in the folder.
I had to change the extension to .txt to get it to upload so will need to change back to .html
I'm sure its pretty easy but I dont have much hair left to pull out.
July 16, 2010
Hi John,
Thanks for attaching the file. If you use 'Get Data From Web' and then paste the file path into the web address field you can choose 'Table 1' from the list of tables and bring it in to Power Query that way.
In the attached file you'll see I've done that. You'll need to change the file path in my query so that it points at your file.
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