using your file, If i want to pull out 60 rows of the data in to a new blank data sheet. how do i do this easy.? I want the same headers in the new sheet. And under colum (A1 order id). in row A2 i type the order id number, and hit enter. The rest of the colums for that row ,and order id auto fills. is this possible?
Then if i have had a barcode with the orderid number on the box. Before shipping i could just scan or type the order id into excel and the name, quantity, price, etc pops up in a blank sheet.
i attached a xls file. with a small database.
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You have not provided any Order IDs in your DB. Without this information, a lookup via a parameter query is not possible.
cant you just use ean/barcode numbers to get a row in the new sheet?
is it another way to do what i want? 🙂