I have data in english and arabic in one column with difference words limits, how I split english and arabic data into multiple columns? Thanks
Would be really helpful if you supplied some sample data in an attached file. Probably only need 6-8 records that are representative of your actual file.
here the column but i have other columns where words sometimes more and some time less with english and arabic. Thanks in advance.
Hi Nasir,
Not much we can do with a screenshot. Better to share a sample Excel file. I'm thinking that the Arabic characters might start at a specific character number and we can use that to split the data, but without a sample file we can't test it.
Dear Mynda,
Thanks for your reply, I am attaching here the sample excel sheet.
Thanks you so much always.
Hi Nasir,
Please see file attached. In columns E and F are formulas to split the first column of text. You can modify them for the other columns.
The Arabic characters are all number 63, which is the question mark in my English version of Excel. I've used this to locate the start of the Arabic text.
Note the formulas in columns E and F use a defined name formula 'CharSeq', which returns an array of the character numbers for each value in column A. I've put this defined name in cells H2:H13 so you can see what it does. You can delete it once you follow how it works as it's not required in column H for the formulas in columns E and F.
Hope that helps.