I have a customer table and an employee table. I need to check if employees are charging goods to themselves. Some employees will have a 2nd name on the account. See sample attached. Is there a way to do this on Power Query. I have tried a version of Select Table Row but I just got errors and the Merge Query Fuzzy matching did not work.
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Sorry about that, its attached there now. Basically I am hoping to do a Fuzzy match between Column D in the 1st Table, Customer Name and Column K in the 2nd Table, Employee.
Thanks for the file. My guess would be that you want to identify the transactions where names in columns D an H are the same or at least very similar.
If so, that should extract rows 2 and 10. See attached. Correct?
If not, please explain what results you expect and the logic behind it.
Hi Riny, yes that is correct. As column H are the employees, and I need to see if they are charging goods to their own accounts.
Great! Then, I believe the file I uploaded with my previous answer does the trick.
Hi Riny, back in April you did a working for me. I have populated your file with my figures for May (close to 600 lines). It is showing results that do not look right. Is it okay and safe to send the file to you?
Eileen McCarthy
Sure, it's as safe to upload as last time. If it contains confidential information I'll send you a mail (if you don't mind) to which you can respond.
To close this thread, I attach a revised file (originally from from post#4). It now contains an improved query that I tested on your live data for May.