hope you are all doing good.
I have a SharePoint list that I exported into a CSV file (comma delimited). the file contains this information :
Department Process Comment
Dpt1 Proc1 This is my first comment
Dpt2 Proc2 The weather
Dept3 Proc3 123
The comment corresponding to Dpt2 / Proc2 is only 1 comment but the user hit "enter" after each word so when i export my CSV , i get this
Department Process Comment
Dpt1 Proc1 This is my first comment
Dpt2 Proc2 The weather
Dept3 Proc3 123
Where "is" and "Beautiful" are 2 separate lines being part of my "Department".
Would someone have any idea how i can consolidate the comment so those 2 additional lines get back to the corresponding comment ?
Thanks a lot in advance,
Hi Cedric,
Welcome to our forum!
Have you tried getting this file with Power Query? If so, what was the outcome? Have you tried using the Power Query SharePoint List connector to get this list rather than exporting it to CSV?
If you don't have that connector, are you able to upload a sample CSV file that illustrates your problem and that we can use to help answer your question?
Hello Mynda,
Thanks a lot for your answer.
Yes, the final result i'm talking about is what happens into Power Query.
Now....I did a modification on the way the file is exported from the SharePoint list (this is done by a workflow in Power Automate). what i do is :
I collect the information from my list into a collection (in a powerapps form), I assign this collection to a variable, I create the CSV file (using Power Automate) using this variable content (and at this stage everything is still formated the right way.
However, I added a susbstitution formula on the "comment" when building my variable so it subsitutes the carriage return (Char(10)) with a space. that solves the issue on the CSV file. so now i get :
Department Process Comment
Dpt1 Proc1 This is my first comment
Dpt2 Proc2 The weather is beautiful
Dept3 Proc3 123
then I have a xlsx document, where i use Power Query to consolidate the content of all my CSV files (since the user can update the content of the list and reload the document (meaning it will overwrite the content of the CSVs) using Power Query in a general file allows for the data to be automatically updated).
the change i did with the substitution changed the result in Power Query to :
Department Process Comment
Dpt1 Proc1 This is my first comment
Dpt2 Proc2 The weather
is Beautiful
Dept3 Proc3 123
But i can understand what i missing for this to work properly , it seems there is something additional that cuts the sentence into 2 pieces but i can't find anything cause my CSV is correct. I tried to add a subsitution (found somewhere that i could add Char(13)) on the subsitution but it doesn't change anything.
Unfortunately, this file is in my work environment which is restricted so i can't get a sample out of it 🙁
Thanks a lot for your time,
Hi Cedric,
There must be a non-printing character causing the text to wrap onto the next line, but without a sample file I can't help much. Can you not create a dummy csv file?
Hello Mynda,
yes, there must be something. In addition, the comment doesn't stay in the same column on a new line (which would be ok) it goes on the next line in the first column...that's what i don't understand.
I can't provide a sample because everything is locked here, i can't send anything out.
But i'm seeing something i didnt pay attention to ... the comment that i see in my CSV is the right one but in Power Query it's still loads the very old one from the beginning and i can't refresh it.
when i hit refresh, it make synchronization errors saying i don't have access to the resource. so i created a new file but the issue is still the same. I'm site owner on sharepoint i have full control so there should be somehting happening on the Excel side.
I deleted all the connection file i could find but it doesn't seem to help.
A dummy CSV file, i can create but it loads again the old version of my file so that doesn't really help 🙁
Hi Mynda,
I found the problem and solved it !
In fact, as i said, i figured out the CSV was not refreshing so i could still see my error. (there was a kind of corruption at the connexion level)
I found the way to delete the connexions in my Excel app and reloaded the CSV into the Excel and now everything is ok ! 🙂
Thanks for your time !
Glad you figured it out, Cedric! Thanks for letting us know.