Hi - hoping someone can help me correct my error here- I have 3 queries -
1. payroll trans for by payrun - each trans includes the position ID Note there are cases of more than one person to a position ID (job sharing).
2. grants & positions funded by position ID -note 2+ grants may co-fund positions like admin roles. Its an appended list of grant positions with pos ID, $ funded, grant name.
3 Unique Position ID list which has pos ID, region, operational program where the position is working on the ground.
Data model links table 1->3 on Position ID, table 2->3 on position ID
I want a pivot tables that gives me for a selected grant name a list of positons with $ budget and $ actual.
I get all Position IDs paid to date with a total for actual and the grant budget where applicable. Data is correct – I only want all the position IDs relevant to the grant selected showing. See attached screen shots of model and power pivot result. Thanks - PS this is volunteer work I do for and organisation assisting with their reporting.
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I have solved it with a Caculate measure - thanks to another of the great MOTH videos! Really appreciate all the great info you put out.