November 27, 2020
I have created in a pivot table with monthly columns of amounts.
I select any two monthly columns by filter and I want to find the difference between the selected monthly columns
Rows Apr 21 Jun 21
I want to find the diff between the above two columns. The month can be any selected from column filter.
The DAX should give the diff whatever the column choses. Thanks.
November 27, 2020
Hi Mynda
Thank you for quick reply as always.
Your solution is perfect in giving the diff between two consecutive months.
Row May 21 June 21 Diff (consecutive months)
Sales 100 110 10
But it does not work for below case, if the two months are random period.
Row Dec 20 June 21 Diff (random months)
Sales 100 110 10
Also I may select some other fields like Categories instead of months.
Row Cat A Cat C Diff (random fields)
Sales 100 110 10
Is it possible to create DAX for above requirement? Eagerly waiting. Thanks.