Hi Mynda,
I am taking your Power Pivot classes and followed the steps in this video: the 3.06 Importing A Text File.
The pp_3_returns.text file is actually not separated by tab, but by comma.
However, neither options worked. See the screenshots below:
Please let me know if there is anything I could do to make it work.
Linlin (from Brooklyn, New York)
Hi Linlin,
Apologies for the slow reply. You posted your question in the public Power Pivot forum, so I didn't see it right away. I've moved it to the private course members' forum now.
If you look at the note under the video for that lesson, you'll see there is an alternate file you can use if you get that issue.
It worked! I saved the CSV file into Text file and imported it to Power Pivot with Tab as delineator and it worked!
Thank you~
Great to hear!