I have an actual and projected column of data. Based on the date that has increments of 14 calendar days, I have new "actual" data. The most current date is the beginning of my "projection" data (I need one row of actual = projection to appropriately graph in pivot chart but that's not my issue). What I'm trying to accomplish is write a multiple criteria "IF" statement that will do the following:
1) IF the last value in the Actual column is not blank, then the Projected value will equal the Actual but all cells above that Projected value is blank.
So as the formula gets copied down the Projected value will only have one value in a cell that equals the last Actual value at all times.
(Note: After this step is solved I am adding additional conditions in which the Projected value will apply a formula to determine the projections in the future). If this group can help me solve the first portion I can do the rest. Thank you!!! Spreadsheet example attached
Hi Erica
See if this helps.
Thank you very much! I couldn't wrap my head around it until I saw it. Works great!