I am trying to set a recurring date that our tire pressures are due for our maint. vehicles. Column F I need the date to be the 10th day of each month until Column E is updated. Column E I need some condition formatting for when the day gets closer to the 10th day of the current month. Truck Type 1 dates I need to turn yellow on the 1st - 3rd days and red until updated. Truck type#2 I need to turn yellow 4th-5th day and red until updated. Truck type 3&4 yellow on the 6th-8th day and red until updated. Attached I have the worksheet to help better understand my jargon.
Thank you all that help,
Hello David
Please see the attached.
I have updated the formula in column F to be relative to todays date as it seems a bit more reliable (feel free to use your own if you prefer). And then added in the condictional formating that you asked for.