How do I write a formula to number items column A1 - column J1 on the top row (A1 - J1) from 1 - 10. And if any column in the range A2:J10 is missing values, that column should not be numbered, but left blank. For example, column C has no values, in which case the numbering should end in 9 on row J1 instead of 10 (if all columns had values). I have Excel 2021 Home Office.
Very grateful for the reply as I can't solve this problem.
The attached file contains a pretty straight forward solution. It makes no used of more advanced techniques but I believe it will work just fine in the situation you described.
Thank you Riny!
If column A also is blank i can put a variant to your formula there, which i put in B1, to complete your formula: IF(COUNTA(A2:A10)>0;1;"")
And it all works fine!