Attached is a spreadsheet ("New - Head Calculator) in where we're trying to figure out a formula that will calculate how many days we held cattle on our ranch during months we managed the cattle. We need to do this by different cattle lot's. The spreadsheet i'd like participants to build on is the "New - Head Day Calculator".
The spreadsheet we currently use is the attached file, "Old- Feedlot Head day Tracking" This spreadsheet let's us pull in & out data from a table inside the sheet to compile how long cattle have been on hand. Works fine but would like to simplify.
Taking a look at the "New - Head Day Calculator" Is it possible to return the same info by utilizing the in & out dates, by lot, without the use of all the tables in our old sheet.
Thanks in advance for the help.
Hi Manny
There isnt any data for Feb & march so i cant test any further but the below seems to work
I am not great on SUMPRODUCT so wanted to see if i can make it work, will be interesting to see if anyone else can make it easier.
Let me know how it goes with more data