I seem to have a problem with the below formula
=IF(D10,(CONCAT(B10,"-",(INDEX(Filterin_ProcessCodes,MATCH(C10,FilterOut_ProcessCodes,0))), "-", D10)), "TESTING")
If there is a value in D10, then I want it to return the Concate formula, (which is working perfectly fine), until I nest into this IF formula. If there is no value in D10, then it returns "TESTING". So that is also working correctly, but when D10 has a value in it, I get a #VALUE message..... so the true test is not working.
Where am I going wrong?
As I said the CONCAT function works perfectly fine without the IF function, but as soon as I nest it in the IF function it stops working.
H Tania,
You have to explicitly state a test for the IF. As it is you just have IF(D10, ... but it needs to be something like IF(D10<>"",......
all good.... I fixed it myself, I just needed to add ">0" after D10. Now it works perfectly!!!
so it should read
=IF(D10>0,(CONCAT(B10,"-",(INDEX(Filterin_ProcessCodes,MATCH(C10,FilterOut_ProcessCodes,0))), "-", D10)), "TESTING")
I get there in the end.
thanks anyway
Hi Philip
sorry I only just saw your message..
yes you are absolutely correct... I added the ">0" and it works like a charm
thanks for your input.