Please bear with me, as this is my first post. I am using Excel for Mac, version 16.69.
I have followed Mynda's advice and extracted all the data from monthly income and expenditure for our members from individual sheets and placed in a table as separate entries. I have created a pivot table showing income and expenditure, but I cannot see how to produce a running balances for each member. and the organisation (bank account balance).
I have included a spreadsheet, with monthly reports for Sep and Oct 22 using the sheet per month , the Main data table and a pivot table going forward. I also need to keep the number Constable No and name as unique fields. The number will not change but could be signed to a different person. At the moment the pivot table looks untidy, with two rows for the same individual.
I Would really appreciate any help and advice on this.
Please try adding the worksheet again. Don't forget to press "Start upload" before you submit your reply.
Hopefully file now added
Thanks for the file. Tried to open it on my Mac but did not succeed. Tried on a PC and could open the file, noting that it it's in viewing mode. As soon as I enable editing the month sheets produce #REF errors as some of the data is linked to a file on your own machine.
Regarding the pivot table, look in the design tab. Press Subtotals / do not show subtotal. Then press Report Layout / show in tabular form
That will show one row per Cons.No and Name.
And one piece of advice would be to not predefine a table with over a million empty rows in it. Limit the "Entries" table to the rows used and it will expand automatically (including formulas) when you add entries at the bottom. The pivot table will also include the new entries upon a refresh.
Created a new file with only the Entries table (for used rows only) and a pivot table. It reduced the file size from 2.9MB to 23KB.
Having said all that, I'm not really sure what you are trying to achieve here. So perhaps you can clarify a bit.
Thank you very much for your reply and your guidance Riny. I have now copied and pasted an example of the monthly report I am trying to replicate and changed the headings on the pivot table. The two columns I need help with are Amount Pd last meeting and b/f balance due. I cannot see how to do this. I will also have to produce a running balance for the bank account.
I have modified the spreadsheet and will add it to my reply.
Hopefully, this is clearer now.
Thanks. Even though I'm an accountant myself I have a hard time figuring out what you are trying to do. For instance, where would the amounts for "Amount Pd Last Meeting" come from with the data set you provided?
Regarding the "bf Balance due", that could be based on a pivot table that sums the Net Balance column filtering only amounts up to and including September 2022.
Perhaps all clear in your mind, but not in mine. Sorry!
Thanks again Riny. Perhaps the easiest way to explain what I am trying to do is to run 12 sub accounts, one for each member and report accordingly. The amounts involved vary depending on activities attended. The one fixed amount is the sub of £5 per meeting per member. For each meeting I have to report on income, expenditure and carry forward balance for each member. We have just one bank account.
The way I did it previously was to save each report as a sheet and carry forward the values I needed. I cannot work out how to store and extract these values in a table. I will try your suggestion regarding bf Balance due.
I am trying to automate the process as much as possible and reduce the chance of errors.
I hope that my explanation makes things clearer.
I took a closer look at the Entries table and am confused.
Let's have a look at 133/Colin. in May-22 I see three rows. Income 85 and Expense 5 Monthly Subs, Expense 45 Annual Levy, 35 Donation. It seems like Colin paid 85 into your bank account and you want to allocate it as 5 subs, 45 annual levy and 35 donation received. All three items are Income for your organisation, yet you put the amounts in the expense column. Or are you thinking in terms of income for the organisation and expenses for the member?
Clive is a bit different. From May-22 to September-22 he seems to have made two lump-sum payments totalling 207 (1 in May and 1 in September). Then you included 6 separate expense items (2 in May, 1 in June and 2 in September)
I believe you need to re-think the whole process. The attached file contains an example of how I would approach it. Create a long list of transactions where you record/allocate the activity attendance fees due for each member on each respective date. One on each row. Then enter the incoming amounts from the bank statements on their respective dates. Now, you can use pivot tables to analyse per member, per month, per activity. You name it.
I reshaped the Entries data and note that I inserted a first row for the Opening Balance in the Bank. That's just my guess. But you need it to be able to reconcile your bank balance.
See if this is useful.
Here's another way. Perhaps even better to combine the Descriptions and Types into one column. See attached.
Hello Riny. I really appreciate the amount of time you have spent on this. Thank you very much. I think this is exactly the style I need. I have spent the day reconciling all the entries and balancing against the existing reports. A visit from the grandchildren provided some light relief. One more question, if I may. How did you format the pivot table to show Cons number and name on one line? I tried a lot of suggestions, but none seemed to work.Thank you, once again.
The combination of Description and Types is much better.
Regards Graham
Glad I could help you work out a solution. The pivot table format is dealt with in the Layout group of the Design ribbon that appears when you click anywhere inside a pivot table. There you can set to have subtotals and/or grand totals, include blank rows or not and lastly the report layout (compact, outline or tabular). I used Tabular. Play around with it and see how the layout changes in each of the options.
That's it, thank you once again. Still some way to go, but a much better solution. Regards Graham