I have a document that has a list of employees with various educational degrees approximately 2,000 rows. Some employees are listed two or three times depending on how many degrees they have. I would like to list only the highest nursing degree (ADN, BSN or MSN) of each employee and remove the additional rows. Any ideas on the best way to do this? I've attached a sample with only 22 rows. I'm sure there is an easy way, but I'm at a loss.
Hi Debra
If ADN is the highest, BSN is 2nd and MSN is 3rd (hope I am correct) then you can just sort your data based on NAME (or ID to make it unique) and DEGREE
This will place ADN above BSN and MSN. You can now use DATA-REMOVE DUPLICATES and select only NAME and DEGREE and click OK.
Excel will remove the duplicates bottom up thus removing MSN first and so on.
Hope this helps.
Well, it's actually the opposite. MSN is the highest, then BSN, then ADN. So I could do the sort descending? I'll try that. That would be much more simpler than I had imagined. Thanks so much!
Hi Debra
Apologies for my ignorance of the Degree
Yes, you can sort them descending.
No worries! Thanks so much for your help!