I'm looking for some help to automate our credit card transaction entry into a monthly worksheet. I have the transactions listed with the nominal code, date, description, total, net and VAT. I'm manually entering the net amount into it's corresponding nominal code breakdown table and the VAT goes to it's nominal code.
It would save so much time to just enter the list and the net amount automatically finds it home on the breakdown table.
I've tried all the Lookups, Match and If formulas, but nothing is working. What's totally frustrating is I've done this before, but for the life of me, I can't seem to get it to work this time around!! Any help would be appreciated.
Would be great if you could upload a file demonstrating what have and what you want. It's difficult to help without some real data to play with. Just remove any confidential information but leave the file structure as it is.
I also suggest you tell us the Excel version you're using
Appreciate you willing to have a look at it.
That should be the attachment available. I'm using excel 365 and importing data from Xero.
I believe that the attached workbook does what you asked for. If not, please come back here.
Thank you Riny, that is perfect and very much appreciated!