newbie here, I am going crazy trying to figure this out, have two columns in excel, one is the date, the other the time for that date this is a punch in and out various times each dayrnI need to calculate the elapsed time, minutes, and hrs, total each day, for example below
I can do B-4-B1 and would get correctly 15:16 for 4/3/17
I don't know what the min and max times per day, I'm guessing there is a formula for that there are over 6000 records/days/years
4/3/17 7:03 AM 7:03:19
4/3/17 7:11 AM 7:11:49
4/3/17 7:13 AM 7:13:15
4/3/17 7:18 AM 7:18:35
did it in SQL server
select cast([date] as date) as Event_Date, min([date]) as Min_Time, max([date]) as Max_Time
from [NutechDB].[dbo].[kern]
group by cast([date] as date);