I've seen the header to this post and perhaps it has my answer, but I am not able to see the content.
I am trying to create dynamic list and I have watched the dozens of approaches through various you tube channels. None seem to be able to do what I would like and I am stuck.
I have three variables from which to select data to create my fourth dynamic list item. The first three are very straight forward, but getting the fourth to work is not so much. Perhaps xlookup is not correct and I need to use offset/match, but I cant figure that out either. Perhaps my existing approach is missing something, or data structure in the table is not suitable.
I have created an example in the attached worksheet. I wonder if you have any advice, or a solution?
Hi Gerard,
Use this formula in Activity Plan sheet, cell H4 (then copy it down)
=TRANSPOSE(FILTER(tbl_MaturityDomain[Requirement],(tbl_MaturityDomain[Domain]='Activity Plan'!$D4)*(tbl_MaturityDomain[Maturity Level]='Activity Plan'!$E4)*(tbl_MaturityDomain[SolutionType]='Activity Plan'!$C$1),""))
Returns the list you need, but you cannot use it directly in datavalidation unfortunately, so you will have to build another formula in datavalidation to read from H4 to the right.
Thank you, Catalin.
Perfect. Its been implemented and works like a charm.