January 30, 2020
I am looking to make a drop down list using a table as the source using a wildcard. For example: Based on the table below, I want a drop down to list only Companies with "IL" in the cell.
Company Code |
IL123 |
IN123 |
OH123 |
IL456 |
OH456 |
IL789 |
So the drop down would list below
IL |
IL123 |
IL456 |
IL789 |
Is this possible? Thanks in advance!
January 30, 2020
Thank you so much! This helps a lot!
I just had to translate the functions, I didn't know it was a different language until I looked it up :-p
It looks like you had your data source sorted, I was hoping I didn't have to do that. But this is probably be the easiest way. I can definitely work with this though!
So just in case someone wanted a English translation for the Formula.
NOTE! I was using a table as the source, so I didn't need the Named Range as in the attachment. Table2[Company Code] is what you would need to change to a regular range.
=OFFSET(Table2[Company Code],MATCH($K$1 &"*",Table2[Company Code],0)-1,,COUNTIF(Table2[Company Code],$K$1 &"*"))
Again, thank you very much Lionel!
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