Hi to all of you 🙂
I would like to set-up an array formula within a cell, this formula will replace the work of a "helper column", and will
generate for me array of items, when the same items will be display within the array formula.
For more understanding, please check the attached file.
Best Regards,
Hi Dritan,
What version of Excel are you using?
Hi Mynda,
It is nice to hear from you, I user Excel 2010.
Hi Dritan,
That's a shame because you can use dynamic arrays available in Office 365:
=TEXTJOIN(", ",TRUE,(IFERROR(UNIQUE($B$5:B19)&" | "&COUNTIF(B5:B19,B5:B19),"")))
But I don't know of a formula that will work in Excel 2010 without a lot of head scratching, sorry.
I'd be inclined to modify your requirements to something that is possible in Excel, rather than try and force it to do something that it's not designed for.
Thank you Mynda,
I understand what you mean, I thought that this goal can be achieved even with Excel 2010 by using and manipulated formulas like countif, or sumproduct.
Thank you once again for your time, I really appreciated 🙂
All the best,