Several months ago, at about the same time the Autosave switch appeared in an Office365 update, the formatting of pasted cells changed.
I frequently select a range of cells, copy, and then position my cursor within a single cell and paste using the Clipboard. Prior to the update, the target cell would end up with the data from the source range looking similar to what I started with, that is, basically in columns with space between the columns.
After the update, when I first paste into the single cell, it acts as it used to, but as soon as I move out of that cell, most of the columns jam together.
I've attached screenshots of the Source data (multiple cells), how the cell looks right after pasting, and then how it looks after moving out of the cell.
My workaround has been to go back into the target cell (which goes back to looking like columns when I do) and adding a space before each 'column' value. Hoping someone else might be able to help get things to work as they used to.
Hi Dan,
That's odd indeed. I never experienced that problem. I suspect it is a short-term bug that will be cleared with an upcoming update. Can you reproduce the issue every time you copy and paste, even within different workbooks and copying different data?
Thanks for the quick response, Mynda.
I do this many, many times a day as I log issues from various other spreadsheets. I had hoped that an update would have fixed it by now as it definitely was an update that broke it (coincident with the AutoSave switch appearing). My source data is typically CSV file attachments on emails sent from our mainframe (opened up in Excel) but I get the same results once these CSV files are saved as XLSX files or if I manually type data into cells of a new workbook.
Last December, I had entered a post "Copying a range of cells containing text to a single cell" and SunnyKow cut down my process significantly by using the Clipboard versus going through Notepad. Both the Clipboard and Notepad approaches give the same results.
I've attached a spreadsheet with two sheets (Source Data and Target Sheet) as well a the text file I used for the Notepad approach. Note that double-clicking on the mis-formatted target cells restores the columnar view of the data but it collapses again as soon as I click out of the cell. It appears that the issue is related to numeric cells no longer maintaining trailing 'spaces' as the separate 200968812 5102 ADD 86541198 cells collapse to 2009688125102ADD 86541198.
Thanks for your help on this, it has become quite a nuisance.