Hello, this is my first intervention in the forum so I apologize if I do not start this query in the correct place.
I am trying to create a P&L with pivot tables, and I ran into a problem generating a calculated field for percent gross profit.
It is worth clarifying that I created a calculated field to calculate the gross profit (total sales - cost) and I want to create another calculated field from the latter: gross profit% (Gross profit / total sales).
The problem is that it always gives me 0% (red filled cells), any idea what I'm doing wrong?
Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
Hi and welcome to our forum!
I'd say the 'Total Sales' field has been renamed because usually it will say 'Total Sum of ....'. You may be referencing the wrong name for the field. Try creating the calculated field using the dialog box and clicking on the field names to write the formula.
It's hard to help without seeing your file or a sample file where the issue can be replicated, so if the above doesn't work, please provide a file.