Developing an Excel app and testing on two other computers
The app works as expected on both testing machines, however:
>>Many but not all of the buttons and combo boxes on the testing machines are distorted and the fonts are wacky.
When selecting and moving them they adjust back to normal.
They function properly but just look bad.
How can I ensure that the worksheets with these objects will be consistent?
Thanks for any ideas.
Development computer:12" 2022 Microsoft surface laptop with a 2nd 24" screen and current Office 365.
Testing computers:
1: 2014 Mac (older office version)
2: 2019 generic PC with dual 23" monitors (current Office 365).
My first thought is that the MAC fonts are not the same as the Windows fonts.
You cannot compare them.
Thanks for your reply.
That was my first assumption, but I also tested it on the 2nd computer with Windows 10 and the same thing happened.
My theory is that my Windows 11 Microsoft Surface laptop's graphics are somehow different or maybe it's Windows 11? The objects convert to looking normal on both the MAC and the 2nd Windows 10 machine when I select them and move or re-size them. Also, some of them look fine on both of the test units.
I cannot test MAC but I do have two systems both 64-bit OS, a Laptop with Windows 10 with Office 2010 (32-bit) and a desktop with Windows 11 and Office 2021 (64-bit)
If you can attach a file with some dummy data to test for you I'd gladly do it and see what happens with two different computers
Thank you for offering to test this, I really appreciate it.
Attached are three files from my Win10 test computer:
1. HA-Pro-8-200-GraphicsTest.xlsb: Excel file without data
2. PC-Win10 1.jpg Screen shot of the Transactions tab showing glitches after opening with no changes
3. PC-Win10 2.jpg Screen shot of the Transactions tab showing corrections after changes
The Main Menu Tab for some reason has no object glitches.
To correct the glitches in the Transactions tab, right-click on the object to move, hit up arrow then down arrow on the keyboard to move the object up then down returning it to its original position.
Okay, I see the issue, I get the glitches on my OS W11 and Office 2021 64-bit too.
I'll try it this afternoon on the Laptop W10 64-bit 2010 32-bit and see what it does there
Just a question.
Why the dropdowns as elements and not just ina cell? Any special reason?
I personally hate these constructions and avoid them at all costs.
I would use a Userform or just dynamic dropdown lists per cell
I use them because they are quick to create, easy to attach simple code, and flexible in placement that facilitates custom screen design.
But this graphics issue may be a show stopper if it's not solvable.
Per your suggestion I will try user forms and perhaps per cell dropdowns where possible.
I tested on the Laptop and the same, but why not use a combobox instead of a dropdoen.
I changed that in the MainScreens choice, replace the dropdown for a combobox
Maybe it makes a difference
Hi, Just to put closure on this issue:
Form control Comboboxes and Buttons definitely have graphics issues when used on computers with different graphic resolutions. This can be corrected by selecting each one and moving them as little as one pixel. Not a reasonable requirement for non-skilled end-users.
I substituted all the Form Control buttons with macro-driven Text boxes which work as expected on different computers and look fine.
I left the Form Control Combobox pull-downs (which are mostly for screen selecting) because they appear to work with macros more quickly than ActiveX Comboboxes and ActiveX is not MAC compatible (a requirement for this project). I found a dimension for the Comboboxes that minimized the bad appearance and included the optional correcting procedure in the Help screen.
I added an additional set of screen selection text buttons for an alternative end-user screen navigation method (these are slightly quicker than the Comboboxes).
This is a weighty stand-alone application for end-users with no Excel skills and no local support, so the ease of use requirements are stringent.
Thank you, Hans for your help on this.
You're welcome.