Could you please help me on this?
I need to add a suffix of numbers to a number in a particular cell and the sequence should be for a quantity specified in another cell.
Cell A1 contains number - 12345
Cell B1 contains number - 5
Suffix sequence - 01, 02 ~~~ until the count reaches B1 cell quantity
In another cells I need sequence numbers as 1234501, 1234502, 1234503, 1234504, 1234505
Request your kind help.
Try this
Rows with an expanding range - this turns formula off if the count is more than B1
This joins A1 with a 0 if the suffix is less than 10
This joins the suffix incrementing number
Let me know if it works for you
Thanks for your suggestion. I tried with the formula suggested and its working.
But the suffix incrementing to the count of B1 - 5 is not working.
The suffix increment should be for the count of 5 like 1234501, 1234502, 1234503, 1234504, 1234505. These 5 values should be in different individual cells.
Could you please help.
Seems to work for me - did you lock the first part of rows with the $ sign?
See attached
Its always better to add a work book with some data so we can see what is going on
Thank you very much. Its working