Hi Mindy, thank you for all your excel videos, I have learnt a lot from you, I need your help. I have created some dashboard for my company where I used to poste on SharePoint web app part with no issues, but now with 365 SharePoint does not work same way. My dashboards contain with multiple tabs that I call using links within the file, SharePoint 365 does not let me do same, it now let me call the range but not a cell, so once I call the range looks like my tab is all selected which I want to avoid, any idea if you can hide the selection format, meaning looks like nothing is selected? so my dashboard will go to other tabs not changing the look of my dashboard, please help
Thank you!
best regards
Alexandra Cruz
Hi Alexandra,
Welcome to our forum!
I wasn't able to recreate the problem using a dashboard embedded in a SharePoint Page and creating a hyperlink to a single cell. Perhaps I need more detailed explanation of how you've embedded the dashboard.
One idea, try linking your hyperlinks to a single cell, rather than a "cell range" as you describe above.
Hi Mynda thank your for your reply see attached a file I have to post on SharePoint 365, using web app part, if I change the links on my buttons to a cell does not work only if I point to the range, but it shows all my sheet is highlighted (selected), any work around to avoid that
Hi Alexandra,
no file attached. make sure you click Start Upload after selecting the file.
Hi Alexandra,
The hyperlink will always highlight the range you're linking to. I'm not sure why it's not working for a single cell. It shouldn't make any difference. Maybe you haven't set it up correctly. Have you tested the hyperlink to a single cell in the desktop version of Excel first? If it works there it should work in SharePoint and if it doesn't work in the desktop version of Excel, then there's something wrong with the set up.
Another idea: what if the range you link to is two cells? At least then it won't be highlighting everything on the page and you could make those two cells small or in the left most margin of the report.
Have you tried creating a new 'Site Page' on SharePoint and then using 'File Viewer' under the 'Documents, lists and libraries' group? This is what I use to embed an Excel Dashboard in SharePoint these days. The hyperlinks to a single cell work fine for me there.
Please see the file 🙂
thank you.. maybe any settings on SharePoint 365 that does not allow me to point to single cell 🙁
No file attached. Be sure to click the 'start upload' button after selecting your file.
I can imagine there's a setting for preventing hyperlinks full stop, but not just for a single cell, but I guess it's worth asking your IT administrator if there are any settings that might be preventing it.