My speedometer shows index within the range of 75 and 125. That range is correct with 100 in the middle, as index can be over and under 100
However, when i have a value above 100, the needle is wrong. The model must fit values both over and under 100.
Here ex 111.
What do i need to change?
Changed your calculation for the 'Aktuel' part in R44 of the needle chart. I also set the pie to start at 270 degrees. See if this resolves your problem.
Note that the actual achievement is now outside the charting data and you need to point it to your hidden cells again.
Here is it as a xlsl fileformat.
i cant open your file Riny. 🙁 it opens in a browser and is full of this "��!��4��;#�w�"
Same thing happened to me when I tried opening your xlsm file. But you can right-click on it, then 'Save link as'. If you can't get it to work that way, try the attached xlsx.
Hi Tina
Assuming your data is in the following cells:
A1: Minimum value (75) A2: Middle value (100) A3: Maximum value (125) B1: Actual value (111 in this example)
This formula will ensures that if the value is below 75, it’s set to 75, and if it’s above 125, it’s set to 125. Otherwise, it keeps the actual value. Use this formula in C1: =IF(B1<A1, A1, IF(B1>A3, A3, B1))
You can also normalizes the value to a scale --> =(C1-A1)/(A3-A1)
I hope it will help.